40 Years
On February 21, 1978, a small group of women in the Augusta area signed the Articles of Incorporation for Family Violence Assistance Project. In Maine and across the country, activists were mobilizing to create a safety net for victims of domestic violence by providing comprehensive direct advocacy with and on behalf of survivors, including shelter, support groups, and crisis intervention.
They sought to “educate and inform… of the needs and the critical problems of battered spouses, and of the social forces and attitudes which contribute to the problem.”
Over 40 years later, we continue this work. Strong coalitions and committed individuals support our efforts. Almost half of all homicides in Maine are perpetrated by a current or former intimate partner, dating partner, or family member, 40 years later. Safety and peace in our homes is possible. We believe it will take our entire community to make this happen.
Throughout the coming year, the Family Violence Project will recognize and remember. We are a hard-working group of committed advocates, including our Board, Staff, and Volunteers. We shall celebrate because without joy and connection, there will never be change.
Ours is humble work and earnest, and we lean into it for a journey much longer than we knew in our earlier years. We hope you will follow our postings, our newsletter, and our activities throughout the year. We hope you will join us in whatever way that makes the most sense for you.
March 2018 is a moment to honor those who have survived abuse, to appreciate the growth from surviving to thriving for so many, and to acknowledge that too many lives have been stolen. It is an opportunity for FVP to reflect on our role in creating our vision of a community where violence is unacceptable and people treat each other concerning move our mission to end Domestic Abuse in Kennebec and Somerset counties.