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Serving Kennebec and Somerset Counties in Maine

Family Violence Project Logo

Teen Dating Violence

Dating abuse is a pattern of behaviors that someone uses to control a partner, where they go, what they do, who they see, or what they wear. Like any form of abuse, it can be physical, emotional, mental, verbal, or sexual. Dating abuse can happen to anyone. It can go on even after a couple has broken up. It happens in heterosexual and LGBT relationships. Someone of any gender can abuse a partner.

Does Your Partner…

  • Act in ways that scare you?
  • Get angry or jealous when you talk to or want to do things with other people?
  • Put you down, call you names, or criticize you?
  • Try to control where you go, what you wear, or what you do?
  • Constantly call or text you?
  • Blame you if they hurt you or your feelings?
  • Threaten to hurt you or themself you break up with them?
  • Constantly accuse you of flirting or cheating on them?
  • Try to force you to have sex – or do sexual things that you’re not comfortable doing?
  • Hit, slap, push, kick, or restrain you?

If abuse is part of your relationship, you’re far from alone. One in three teenagers say they know someone who’s been physically or emotionally hurt by a romantic partner. That means you probably know someone who is being abused in their relationship.

If someone is abusing you, or if someone you know is being abused, please contact our Helpline. We’ll work with you as you explore your options and you decide what’s best for you. You don’t deserve to live in fear. No one does.

Support FVP

Thanks to your generosity, we can continue to provide so many needed and important services: our helpline, advocacy work, support groups, shelter & supportive housing, prevention & training programs, children’s work, and Menswork, a program that works directly with abusers who want to change their behavior.


Donations can be mailed to:
Family Violence Project
P O Box 304
Augusta, Me 04332-0304

Online donations can be made via DonorPerfect:



We couldn't provide the services we do without the ongoing support of a large and active network of volunteers. There are many ways volunteers work with and support us. If you are interested in donating your time, please contact Jaime, Co-Director of Advocacy Programs, at 2076238637, x302 or [email protected]
